Black Lion

Check with them first as not sure if Hereford CSC is still active.

0/5 (0 Reviews)
Black Lion
31 Bridge St
Hereford HR4 9DG

Directions: Click here for directions

CSC: Hereford CSC

Shows Celtic games live on TV

Telephone: 01432 266000

3 Reviews for “Black Lion

  1. Good evening, can I confirm that you have a Celtic Supporter’s Club based at The Black Lion and if so can you confirm you show the live matches and will The Scottish Cup Final be shown?
    We have just moved to near Cheltenham so you’re less than an hour from us.

    Many thanks,

    George Booth.

  2. Hi George, sorry I’ve just seen this, we have a Hereford CSC and get together for as many games as we can, always for OF games, big cup games and European nights.

  3. Not a soul in for the game tonight, unsurprising as they weren’t showing it and the young lad behind the bar knew nothing about a CSC.

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